
Frequently Asked Questions

We frequently receive insightful inquiries from our users, and this list aims to address some of the most common questions. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require a more detailed explanation of any subjects discussed below.

Does BactoBox® differentiate between viable & non-viable bacteria?

BactoBox® is provided in different configurations based on the application. The EasyCount-configuration measures the total bacterial cell count. In the Advanced-configuration, it also measures the total bacterial cell count by default, but it can be customized, in most cases, to differentiate between viable and non-viable bacteria based on cell membrane integrity. In SBT Instruments' experience with over 200 operational original BactoBox® units, it has been found that in liquid cultures—such as overnight or actively growing cultures—typically more than 90% of the cells are viable, making live/dead differentiation unnecessary. Omitting the live/dead customization significantly reduces setup time and simplifies operation. 

How does BactoBox® improve on OD600?

Critical process metrics like growth rate, exact end-point concentration, and lag phase cannot be accurately determined using non-calibrated OD600 measurements. BactoBox® eliminates the need for calibration by providing precise and accurate total bacterial cell counts, rather than relying on optical density. Unlike OD600, which is affected by media composition, pigments, and cell size—often requiring calibration for different strains and conditions—BactoBox® directly counts bacterial cells. This ensures consistent, reliable results, unaffected by these variables.

What is the measurement output of BactoBox®?

BactoBox® provides the concentration of bacterial cells per milliliter (intact cells/mL) and a separate result for the total objects per milliliter (total objects/mL) in a given sample. The intact cells/mL is a subset of the total objects/mL.

What are the detection limits for BactoBox®?

BactoBox® is capable of detecting a range of 30,000 to 5,000,000 intact cells/mL. 

Which sample matrices are compatible with BactoBox®?

BactoBox® is compatible with a wide range of sample matrices, and the total bacterial cell counts are not influenced by media, pigments or other sub-micron particles that may be present in the samples.

What consumables are needed for BactoBox®?

For operating BactoBox®, the primary consumable is the flow cell, which has a lifespan of 250 measurements. Once this limit is reached, the flow cell needs to be replaced. Besides the flow cell, BactoBox® operation also requires a few other items such as sampling vials. BactoBox® is provided as cost effective turn-key solution, where everything is included upon delivery.

Does it work for strictly anaerobic bacteria?

Yes, BactoBox® is well-suited for use with strictly anaerobic bacteria. BactoBox® exhibits consistent efficiency in enumerating both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, reflecting its adaptability across a diverse range of microbial strains. Its design features, such as compact size and ease of handling, make it an ideal choice for working in anaerobic conditions. The BactoBox® device, along with the necessary diluents, can be conveniently placed inside an anaerobic chamber. 

How much sample do I need?

The standard sample volume used for BactoBox® is approximately 100µL, which is used to make a 1:1,000 dilution (depending on sample concentration) before measuring.

How can I get the latest software?

The latest software for BactoBox® is available on this website. It includes installation instructions and a troubleshooting section.

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