
Deriving the Lag Phase Duration with BactoBox®

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Disclaimer: Using the lag phase calculator is entirely at your own risk!

Applied Theory

  • There is no clear or commonly accepted definition in literature of when the lag phase of a bacterial cultivation ends.

  • Several methods exist to approximate the lag phase. We use the ‘tangent method’ to define the duration of the lag phase.

  • The intersection between N0, i.e. the starting concentration, and the tangent to the exponential growth is defined as the lag duration.

  • N0 is established by using BactoBox to measure the bacterial cell concentration in the pre-culture before it is dosed into the investigated culture.

  • The tangent to the exponential growth can be established by measuring two or more data points, N1, N2, in the exponential growth phase.

Please reach out to SBT for more information on protocols.

tangent method

Lag Phase Calculator

Use this calculator to estimate the lag phase duration and growth parameters for bacterial cultivation based on cell counts. Ensure all inputs are in the correct units as specified. Using the lag phase calculator is entirely at your own risk, and let us know if you observe any weird issues!

Download the mathematical theory for the lag phase calculator here: SBT_Lag_Phase_Calculator_Theory.pdf

Lag Phase Calculator (Hours)

Starting Concentration

Exponential Growth Phase Data Points

Provide at least two data points. Two additional data points are optional and will be used if provided. You can also input values as scientific notation (e.g., 5e6) and it will automatically convert.

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