Impedance Flow Cytometry

Impedance Flow Cytometry

Impedance Flow Cytometry

Impedance Flow Cytometry

SBT's proprietary technology for fast, accurate, and easy-to-use bacteria measurements

SBT's proprietary technology for fast, accurate, and easy-to-use bacteria measurements

SBT's proprietary technology for fast, accurate, and easy-to-use bacteria measurements

SBT's proprietary technology for fast, accurate, and easy-to-use bacteria measurements

See It In Action

How BactoBox® and Impedance Flow Cytometry Work

No Stains, No Dyes, No Chemical Reaction, No Incubation.

Advantages of Using a Label-Free Approach in Bacterial Enumeration


BactoBox exploits impedance flow cytometry at different electrical measurement frequencies to probe for intact membranes. Simplified, an intact lipid membrane will impose a pronounced hindrance to electricity. A dead bacterium with a non-intact bacterial cell will be a good propagator of electricity. Commonly available live/dead staining kits for fluorescence flow cytometry (FFC) use thiazole orange (TO) and propidium iodide (PI) to tell if the bacterial membrane is compromised.

The label-free approach of impedance flow cytometry has several advantages over live/dead staining with fluorescence flow cytometry (FFC).

Time-Efficient: Label-free methods don't require time-consuming steps like staining or tagging the cells with fluorescent markers.

Preservation of Cell Integrity: The lack of labeling means that cells aren't exposed to any potentially harmful dyes or reagents, so their physiological and structural integrity is better preserved. This is important when you want to study the bacteria in a state as close to their natural one as possible.

Broad Applicability: Since no specific labels are used, these methods can be applied to a wide range of bacterial types without needing to change the labeling reagent.

Our Goal

Bringing Bacterial Enumeration into the 21st Century

The utilization of bacteria in biotech and biopharma is increasing at an impressive rate. Leveraging the power of these natural microorganisms is revolutionizing numerous sectors, from the creation of innovative pharmaceuticals to the modification of resource-heavy chemical industrial processes. The revolution of bacterial enumeration techniques is not happening at the same pace, and the golden standard of plate counts was inventend more than 100 years ago.

SBT Instruments is committed to revolutionizing the field of microbiological enumeration. Our work serves to improve the speed and accuracy of the research performed by our customers.


Enumerate Bacteria with BactoBox®

Enumerate Bacteria with BactoBox®

Enumerate Bacteria with BactoBox®

Please submit your contact and application details using the form below. A specialist from our team will contact you within one business day to discuss the technical compatibility of BactoBox® with your needs and outline potential trial opportunities. Alternatively, reach out directly to our CEO, Gustav.


Gustav Skands

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